Thursday, 22 August 2013

HS8151 Technical English First Semester Syllabus 2013

               HS8151 TECHNICAL ENGLISH  I


  • To enable all students of engineering and technology develop their basic communication skills in English.
  • To give special emphasis to the development of speaking skills amongst the students of engineering and technology students.
  • To ensure that students use the electronic media such as interne and supplement the learning materials used in the classroom.
  • To inculcate the habit of reading for pleasure.


Listening - Introducing learners to GIE -   Types of listening - Listening to audio (verbal &
sounds); Speaking - Speaking about one‟s place, important festivals etc. – Introducing oneself,
one‟s family / friend; Reading - Skimming a reading passage – Scanning for specific information
- Note-making; Writing - Free writing on any given topic (My favourite place / Hobbies / School
life, etc.) - Sentence completion - Autobiographical writing (writing about one‟s leisure time
activities,  hometown,  etc.);  Grammar - Prepositions  - Reference words  - Wh-questions  -
Tenses (Simple); Vocabulary - Word formation - Word expansion (root words / etymology); E materials  -  Interactive  exercises  for  Grammar  &  Vocabulary  - Reading  comprehension
exercises - Listening to audio files and answering questions.


Listening - Listening and responding to video lectures / talks; Speaking - Describing a simple
process (filling a  form, etc.) - Asking & answering questions - Telephone skills – Telephone
etiquette;  Reading – Critical reading - Finding key information in a given text - Sifting facts
from opinions; Writing - Biographical writing (place, people) - Lab descriptions (general/specific
description of laboratory experiments) - Definitions - Recommendations; Grammar - Use of
imperatives - Subject-verb agreement; Vocabulary - Compound words - Word Association; E materials - Interactive exercises for Grammar and Vocabulary  - Listening exercises with
sample telephone conversations / lectures – Picture-based activities.


Listening - Listening to specific task  - focused audio tracks; Speaking - Role-play – Simulation
- Group interaction - Speaking in formal situations (teachers, officials, foreigners); Reading -
Reading  and interpreting  visual material;  Writing  - Jumbled  sentences  - Coherence  and
cohesion in writing - Channel conversion (flowchart into process) - Types of paragraph (cause
& effect / compare & contrast / narrative / analytical) -   Informal writing (letter/e-mail/blogs) -
Paraphrasing; Grammar - Tenses (Past) - Use of sequence words - Adjectives; Vocabulary -
Different forms and uses of words, Cause and effect words; E-materials - Interactive exercises
for Grammar and Vocabulary - Excerpts from films related to the theme and follow up exercises
- Pictures of flow charts and tables for interpretations.


Listening - Watching videos / documentaries and responding to questions based on them;
Speaking - Responding to questions - Different forms of interviews - Speaking at different
types of interviews; Reading - Making inference from the reading passage -   Predicting the
content of a reading passage; Writing - Interpreting visual materials (line graphs, pie charts
etc.) - Essay writing – Different types of essays; Grammar - Adverbs – Tenses – future time
reference;  Vocabulary  - Single  word  substitutes  - Use  of  abbreviations  &  acronyms; E materials - Interactive exercises for Grammar and Vocabulary - Sample interviews - film


Listening - Listening to different accents, Listening to Speeches / Presentations, Listening to
broadcast  &  telecast  from  Radio  &  TV;  Speaking  - Giving  impromptu  talks, Making
presentations on given topics; Reading - Email communication - Reading the attachment files
having a poem/joke/proverb - Sending their responses through email Writing - Creative writing,
Poster making; Grammar - Direct and indirect speech; Vocabulary - Lexical items (fixed / semi
fixed expressions); E-materials - Interactive exercises for Grammar &  Vocabulary - Sending
emails with attachment – Audio / video excerpts of different accents, - Interpreting posters


1.  Mindscapes:  English  for  Technologists  and  Engineers,  Department  of  English,  Anna
University, Chennai, 2012 .

2.  S.P.Dhanavel, English and Communication skills for students of science and Engineering,
Orient Black Swan, Chennai, 2011.


1.  Pickett,  Nell Ann,  Ann A.Laster  and Katherine E.Staples.  Technical English: Writing,
Reading and Speaking. New York: Longman, 2001.

2.  Bailey, Stephen. Academic Writing: A practical guide for students. New York: Rutledge,

3.  Morgan,  David and  Nicholas  Regan.  Take-Off:  Technical  English  for  Engineering.
Reading: Garnet Publishing Limited, 2008.

4.  Thorn,  Michael  and  Alan  Badrick. An  Introduction  to  Technical  English.  Harlow:
Prentice Hall Europe, 1993.

5.  Rizvi,  M.Ashraf.  Effective  Technical  Communication.  New  Delhi:  Tata  McGraw-Hill
PublishingCompany, 2007.


1.  Murthy, Sudha. Wise & Otherwise. New Delhi: Penguin Books India, 2006.

2.  Gates, Bill and Collins Hemingway. Business @ the Speed of Thought: Succeeding in

the Digital Economy. New York: Warner Business Books, 2000.







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