Monday, 19 August 2013

CEPTAM Admit Card|Hall Ticket 2013 Download

CEPTAM Admit Card|Hall Ticket 2013 Download

CEPTAM also  as DRDO is going to conduct (CEPTAM) conduct Centre for Personnel Talent Management exam. All candidates applying for the exam,will be need of  CEPTAM Admit Card 2013 because without it they can  in the exam hall.

That CEPTAM exam is to held on 25 August, 2013 and DRDO will be DRDO CEPTAM Hall Ticket 2013 very soon on the official website.all required information is already listed on the official web portal of DRDO (

Important Information:

Exam Date : 25 August, 2013

The CEPTAM Hall Ticket 2013 or DRDO Admit card 2013 for 6th  it’s entry examination on its official site at and all the applied download

Centre for Personnel Talent Management (CEPTAM) is the unit of DRDO. It takes the examination or you can exam to get recruited in DRDO and this exam is important for those get enter in DRDO means to get job in DRDO.the most reputed government organization and to work under DRDO is a dream for every one of recruitment for various posts, lots of candidates has applied for this recruitment process and eagerly waiting for the exam date.CEPTAM 6 is going to be organized on 25 August, 2013 and admit card for this examination will be to download from 15 days before the exam Written exam will consist only objective type Paper will be of total 150 marks and total 150 questions please do not forget to take original ID proof with admit card.

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tags:ceptam 2013 ,admit card 2013,hall ticket 2013,download 2013, 25 aug 2013.

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