Wednesday, 31 July 2013

ME Digital Communication And Networking 2nd sem syllabus

ME Digital Communication And Networking  2nd sem Syllabus

University : Anna University,Chennai
Regulation : 2009
Graduate: PG
Degree: M E Department: Digital Communication and Networking
Year : I
Semester :II
Thread Type:Syllabus


AP9252 Neural Networks and Applications
CP9253 High Speed, Switching Architecture
NI9321 Network Management
EC9016 Network Routing Algorithms
NE9266 Simulation of Communication Systems and Networks
DI9003 Communication Network Security
CU9255 Internetworking Multimedia
DI9005 Internet Programming
VL9261 ASIC Design
DI9006 Advanced Java Technology
NE9256 Genetic Algorithms and Applications
NE9257 Multimedia Compression techniques
ET9263 Adhoc Networks
EC9011 Speech and Audio Signal Processing
EC9013 Satellite Communication
DI9007 Multimedia Databases
DI9008 Cellular Mobile Communication
Special Electives

Digital Communication And Networking

The communications sector has dramatically changed in just the last 5 years with a true information revolution made possible by the mobile internet, smart phones and associated applications such as social media, commerce and digital media. Amazingly, 491.4 million smartphones were shipped during 2011, up 61.3 per cent from 2010. And yet, the mobile internet is on the cusp of a second major revolution as we move towards the "internet of things" or "pervasive computing" where almost everything in our lives (cars, street furniture, domestic appliances, machines, robots, etc. etc.) is connected to the internet. The impact of this will be immense in transport, energy, entertainment, finance and banking, healthcare, science, manufacturing, the built environment, retail and logistics.

This new MSc in Digital Communications Network is responding to the increasing development of networks and mobile Internet applications, rather than traditional physical layer (hardware design) focus. Students will study traditional communications theory but will also take modules dealing with network security and the protocols for high-speed switches and routers. The inclusion of a Digital Media Laboratory/iPhone Apps is also an extremely marketable feature of this MSc. This module will give the student hands-on experience for mobile Internet technology that can be found and applied in computers, cellular phones, MP3 players, etc. 
Other modules will target new developments in data-centric networking and the growing trend in cloud computing and online services, for example web-search, video content hosting and distribution, social networking and large-scale computations. This ensures that students will graduate with both specialist in-depth knowledge but also with a broad range of skills and applications that will be in demand over a wide range of disciplines - from the traditional communications industries to banking, finance and commerce.

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